What to do to Keep Kids Healthy?

Let's look at how to keep kids healthy.

Yes, kids often get sick. Especially in the winter. Colds, fever, ear ache, upset tummy… but is there a way to prevent this?

One of the best things to do is to...

Make sure your children get all the nutrition they need and then some. Especially vitamin rich food.

A strong immune system and a working lymphatic system can easily fight off viruses and bacteria that your child is exposed to, that's why eating a lot of antioxidant rich food is a must when trying to help your children become less prone to getting sick.

Keep the immune system high

Skin Contact

Give your children enough skin contact!

Hug them every day and hold hands as much as possible. This will keep the immune system of the little ones in good shape.

Fresh Air

Also, don't let them spend too much time indoors being inactive...

They need fresh air and play time outdoors to stay as healthy as possible.

We already knew that playing outdoors is important - children will get a good amount of oxygen into their systems when running around (breathing more deeply than when they play indoors), they will get vitamin D from the sun (but that depends on the weather of course lol) and it will help the development of creativity.

But now research also implies that spending time outside can be healthy for the development of their eyes! I'm not too surprised! 

Ref.: edition.cnn.com/2017/10/03/health/eyesight-play-outdoors-partner/index.html


Make sure your children have friends and things to look forward to. Contentment and happiness makes them less likely to catch nasty stuff that's going around - because studies have now confirmed that being lonely and unhappy actually weakens the immune system.

What else can you do to keep kids healthy?

Apart from what we have already discussed, if you are worried your child might catch something, up their intake of fruits.

Make sure they have at least a few fruits every day to get a wide range of vitamins and some vegetables to get minerals.

what is good for children to eat

Something that has worked very well with my own son, who rarely is sick, is to make a smoothie or some fresh juice every day. I often give him a fruit that he takes to school, but he doesn't always remember to eat it. But that's okay, because the times he does remember counts.

One health expert I know says that adults should eat 1-2 pounds of greens a day (to stay healthy) but for children, less is totally fine because of their size.

For me personally though, I feel that it's enough to have one salad a day only, and sometimes mine is not even that big. See, I'm more of a fruit person.

But if you are wondering how much 1 pound of veggies is, check out this chart:

By the way, broccoli and spinach are examples of veggies that are good to steam a little.

But of course they can be eaten raw too - it is just that broccoli is hard to chew and it is easier to eat more of if it is steamed.

What about milk? Does it keep kids healthy?

Or help our kids stay healthy in the log run?

Not really...

Letting children drink cow's milk is not a very wise thing to do. It has been linked to respiratory infections, digestive problems, allergies and even to cardiovascular problems later in life.

Ref.: hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/2016/10/25/dairy-fat-cardiovascular-disease-risk/

Cow's milk hinders also the absorption of important nutrients (like iron) in the food we eat with it.

And oh, want to know how much sugar there is in something like chocolate milk?

In only one glass you find 5 1/2 sugar cubes!

Not good...

I wanted to share this video with you:

So, now you know how to keep kids healthy!

Have a great day!


Leave a comment or question for me here :)

See natural remedies for kids here.

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